Fast and easy to learn Digital Management tool

Tracking Learners' Development Digitally

hero image

Graduate Opportunity

EPF is establishing a tech hub in Zimbabwe. We are looking for graduates to join our team and help us build the next generation of digital tools for Africa.



Html CSS Java Script Bootstrap Web Frameworks based on MVC Mobile Apps Understanding of atleast one core programming language e.g C++ ; Python Data structures and Algorithms Operating Systems Computer Networks

Content Creator Opportunity

We are looking for content creators to join our team and help us build courses that will train, test and equip individuals in different career fields with skills they require


Key Features

HOW TO... !

Step 1 - How to add a programme

Adding a new programme to the platform

click "Add Programme" Button then define your programme and save.

Step 2 - How To Create A Specialisation

Creating a new specialisation to the platform

Click "Add Specialisation", define your specialisation name and you can add as many specialisations as you need, then Save"

Step 3 - How To Create A MainSkill

Creating a new mainskill to the platform

Click "Add Mainskill" Button, a popup will appear then define Mainskill names and save .

Step 4 - How To Create A SubSkill

Creating a new Subskill to the platform

Click "Add Subskill" Button, a popup will appear then define Subskill names and save .

Step 5 - How To Add Specialisations and Skills To A Programme

Adding specialisations & skills to the Programme

Click the "View" Button then Select Specialisations ,mainskills, subskills and save.

Step 6 - How To Add Learners

Adding Learners to the platform

Click the "Add Learners" Button then fill in the required form and save Profile.

Step 7 - How To Mark Learners

Rating Learners From 1 To 5

Filter by programme, department, main skill, date and rate the learner(s) .